Copyright ©2021 Hennok Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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+44 (0) 333 050 6331

152 – 160 City Road London EC1V 2NX


The definition of the Data Controller, Data Processor, Data, Personal Data, Processing is in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
“ICO” means the information commissioner’s office.

1. Introduction

This privacy policy governs the use of the Hennok Media services, (“Our, We, Us”) website (, and sets out the basis in the way We collect or provided by You any Personal Data, the way in which We process Your (“You, Your”) Personal Data. By using Our website or any associated mobile application (Apps) You agree and accept the terms of this privacy policy in conjunction with the terms and conditions.

2. The information We may hold about You



Personal Data do we collect


For most of the consultancy services and other services the Personal Data processed in in 2.2. below.

Why we collect this information

We use the Personal Data for purposes listed below for Our business customers by collecting the Personal Data as the Data Controller except where role differs.



Purpose and

type of activities

Lawful basis

for processing

Personal Data
Management of the Client for consultancy To set up or review Your consultancy activities with Us. Performance of a contract National insurance number, First name, surname, date of birth, address, phone, email, company registration number, passport/license.
Website or subscription responses To respond to enquiries or subscribed with Our website or contact on social media. Performance of a contract First name, surname, address, phone, email.
Deal with regulatory or legal queries To contact legal or regulatory authority under a legal obligation Legal obligation First name, surname, address, phone, email or any other details as requested.
Marketing and advertising including online, mail. To provide marketing material including newsletter or blogs (e.g. marketing- by email) or targeted marketing (e.g. adverts – direct marketing) under any preferences consented which may be interest to You unless opted out. Consent First name, surname, address, phone, email.
Online administration and set up To administrator of Our Website or setup of any accounts. Legitimate interest First name, surname, phone, email, username, password (provided direct).



How this information is collected

We may collect Your details from contact us form, direct emails enquiries, or any referee.  Any Website tracking information related to device specific, collecting information about e.g. web analytics etc if applicable.


Use of the information collected

The Personal Data is used to contact You via email or other means about Our service provision in accounting, corporate tax, payroll, consultancy services and to identify You when You engage with Us. Our third parties who are instructed by Us on Our behalf in delivering any part of service to You in 2.2 above. For marketing Our services to You except where You have withdrawn or opted out to receive any marketing from Us. 


Any third party which We use for Data Processing will only process for example the email, until such time either the Personal Data is deleted on exit of a contract or a right which is exercised e.g. right to erase or withdraw of consent.

3. Cookies, web analytics traffic

A Website may have several small scripts running in the background to capture web traffic data or retain session information about You. Our Website may use the listed cookies below:


Type Company Use
Google Analytics Google Web analytics online service which tracks and reports website traffic.
Google Maps Google A web mapping service developed by Google.
Facebook pixels Facebook Code that you place on the Website to track website traffic.
Google AdWords remarketing Google A form of online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their Website.

You may be able to disable some cookies on Our Website under their browser settings and it may affect the way a Website operates. You can find further information about cookies at

4. Third parties

We work with a few trusted third parties delivering any of the services as mentioned above in section 2.4, who sign up to or adopt similar level of privacy as Hennok Media’s privacy policy concerning how they handle Personal Data.

5. Marketing

We may contact You from time to time and send You details of services that We provide which may be of interest to You. We may share Your information with other third parties to contact You about services which may be of interest to You with inhouse marketing. Any external marketing lists used shall be subject to approved consents where applicable. If You do not wish to receive such requests in the future, please contact Us to withdraw.

6. Your rights

As a customer You have several rights in relation to Personal Data some are listed below. Where applicable We will respond to the below requests within thirty (30) days or notify You as to who should be responding.


Subject access requests


If You wish to submit a subject access request, on the information We may hold about You then please email where the acting Data Controller will respond. However, where We are acting as the Data Processor or a third party, We will pass Your request onto the relevant Data Controller to respond directly. There is no charge for this except where such a request is excessive then it may be chargeable.

Access to Personal Data


You may ask for a copy of the Personal Data which We hold. However, We may under certain legal exceptions be unable to provide this and We will let You the reasons.

Inaccurate Personal Data


Where We collect or use the Personal Data and which You believe is incorrect then please contact Us with a request to amend the Personal Data.

Request to withdraw, erase and portability of Personal Data


If You wish to submit a request in relation to withdrawing consent, erase or port Your Personal Data We hold on You then please contact Us.

The ICO guidelines provide that some rights may not apply right to object (excluded under contact, legitimate interest or public tasks), erase (excluded under legal obligation or public tasks), portability (excluded under legal obligation, vital interest, public tasks, legitimate interests).

7. Retention and deletion of Personal Data

We will retain records no longer than they are required in accordance with Our retention policy or as up to 36 months. If You withdraw/erase earlier then the Personal Data will be deleted with exceptions for legal or other legitimate reasons to hold it for longer. On exit of a service for example Website hosting with database, We will delete the Personal Data collected in accordance with Our retention policy.

8. Personal Data outside the EEA

If any of website design or hosting services are provided outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), Personal Data may be transferred by Us in order to provide You service(s) in 2.2 above. Where We transfer any Personal Data outside the EEA this will be subject to either model agreements or binding corporate rules to ensure that higher level of data privacy are applied.

9. Links to other websites

Our Website may contain other website links or content of interest. On entering the other website, We will have no control once You exit Our Website.  We exclude all responsibility and liability for any Personal Data which You may submit. If You are not sure about entering Personal Data on these other websites, please review their privacy policy.

10. Disclosure of information

We reserve the right to disclose collected Personal Data or any other supporting information in response of a court order, legal action, where consent is given, where such disclosure is required by law or regulation.

11. Updates to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this policy from time to time. Please see updates of this policy on Our Website or email notifications. These changes will be effective on continued usage of Our Website and on posting of the update.

12. Contacting Us and complaints

If You have any questions or complaints in relation to this privacy policy please contact the regarding data privacy to the compliance manager at If You are not happy with the way, in which we process the Personal Data in relation to the data protection laws, a complaint can be submitted to the Information Commissioner’s Office in the U.K.

Privacy Policy